As always a great read.

Each generation leads a better life than the preceding one, despite each generation cribbing more than the preceding one.

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Brilliant piece !! - Two lines stood out for me - a) The idea is to stick to strong boats and not predict storms b) It's hard to be long equity without being long humanity

This piece resonates deeply. Thank you.

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Article is good but too long and repetitive

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Ha ha. Yes. I think any fundamental driven business valuation with good amount of margin of safety necessitates a repeated reminder to self to not deviate from a investment rationale. You see the mind is very fickle and it has to be constantly reigned in. Am I being fair Anand? - Nilanjan

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Nicely articulated.

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"Deep down, be an optimist... Much as we seem capable of self-annihilation all the time, we don’t seem to have achieved it even once."

This alone would make it worth reading your essay. Thank you!

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Hello sir, how can I connect with you? Have a few questions regarding portfolio management.

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It means a lot for long term investors who have patience to ride several cycles.

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It means a lot for long term investors who have patience to ride several cycles.

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always learning from your essays.. its service to other little stupid people to make them lesser stupid, please continue...

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