A golden nugget I found on a Hackernews thread on the latest Reddit funding round.

"On a visitor perspective, this seems undervalued. This is a 50% or more discount to the market-cap/unique visitor ratio of Twitter, Snap, and Facebook.[1] And all the stats I've seen indicate much higher user engagement and time-on-site for Reddit compared to the other social platforms."


We're now dealing in market cap/unique visitor ratios.

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In terms of broad plot, this movie plays out again and again. Eyeballs, visitors, GMV, real estate NAV. Metrics get made up to rationalize whatever craziness prevails then & lots of smart folks either fall for it or falsely think they can hop on but get out in time.

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Completely agree! It feels like a game of valuation for the sake of valuation. No profits? No problem! We will conjure a new metric that has no relation to profit or cash flow.

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On the flipside, someone also commented this:

"Why does Reddit need funding? Legitimate question. What are they going to spend this money on? A direct ad sales team? I would assume it takes a somewhat small engineering and DevOps team to keep it running. Is there a huge roadmap of features that requiring $100m in engineering?"

"Avocado toast, caramel macchiatos and AWS charges. Maybe legal costs too."

Sounds like this is true for a lot of tech startups :)


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You nailed it..Byjus will buy it ..LOL

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"Let me learn about Bitcoin" -Do you mean just Bitcoin or crypto/defi in general?

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I'll go with latter since that'll rile up cryptevangelists more:-)

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I am guilty of using a few of these while thinking of investing🙈

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